Norwich Doughnut

Working together in Norwich for the well-being of people within the limits of the planet.

Our Objectives

  • Achieve effective action in a City of inequality and on a planet with breached limits

  • Learn together about Doughnut principles & alternative economics

  • Communicate in innovative ways, and make a distinctive contribution to international Doughnut action

Social Media

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In Logo Blue Vector
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Whatsapp Community

Norwich Doughnut Economics Coalition



no events currently. Follow our social media for most up-to-date events


Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL)

Norwich Resilence Web

Norwich Eco Hub

What is Doughnut Economics?

Doughnut Economics is founded on the idea of meeting the needs of all people within the limits of the planet. Oxford economist Kate Raworth has pioneered this, illustrating it with the model of “THE DOUGHNUT”

The inner ring is the social foundation

The minimum that everyone requires e.g. access to food, water, housing, healthcare, education, equality, justice, and a peaceful society.

The outer ring is the ecological limits of the planet

Which when breached results in climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution in multiple specific forms.

About Us

what is Norwich Doughnut?

Here in Norwich, we’ve set up a group to apply the Doughnut Economics concept and way of working. Our city already has a wealth of initiatives working for both social and environmental wellbeing on issues including housing, access to legal rights, poverty, sustainable food, and protection of biodiversity. we want to draw attention to all these initiatives, support their development and impact, share information, and encourage creative approaches with a special inquiry of arts and culture, which is specific to Norwich.

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The Outer Ring

Biodiversity Loss

Air Pollution

Land Conversion

Climate Change

Freshwater withdrawls

Ozone Layer Depletion

Nitrogen & Phosphorus loading

Ocean Acidification

Chemical Pollution

The Inner Ring







Political Voice

Gender Equality

Peace & Justice


Income & Work

Social Equity